sábado, 19 de fevereiro de 2011

Jaime Oliveira

Remix! Ok, so due to the huge amount of requests (not, just one…and it was not even a request. doh!) I'm going to write this post entirely in english! I'll try to play with the language, even if I'm not really sure if my grammar is correct. Adventure!

What the hell happened yesterday… I flew over the clouds, said "hi" to George, the bird, and woke up. I decided I wanted to go to an exhibition to enhance my ideas and get new ones. I really think (and it's obvious) that by staying home the creativity doesn't flow well. It's really necessary to see other things and jump out of your small square. Well, the exhibition was from a guy called Douglas Gordon, and I think he's a visual/video artist. I found his work really interesting: we (me and Luisa) entered a dark room with mirrors disposed around and there were two giant projected screens playing a video. The mirrors reflected the images and we could see from different angles what was playing on the video. Hard to explain, just go there (it's free!). Anyway, I got some ideas how to develop my project! http://www.gagosian.com/exhibitions/2011-02-09_douglas-gordon/

Later, at dinner time, we (the portuguese people and the turkish girls) went to the Jamie Oliver restaurant. We had to wait for an hour and a half for a table. In the end, I found that the food was good (especially the "starters" and my dish), the service was great and the place was really nice. I actually felt a bit pregnant with all the food I ate.

Then, we went to Pia's home near Baker Street. She lived there alone so the flat was small but really cousy with a simple and modern decoration. We talked, listened to some music and after a couple of hours Mr.Sleep got over my senses and took me home.

The English End (I'll never do this again)

4 comentários:

  1. ingles?? traidor....buuuuuuuuh!! (quem quer que seja que estejas a tentar seduzir com esse ingles mal amanhado, desaprovo!!!) hahaha
    continua a aproveitar querido, beijinho enorme com muita saudade - ainda não tenho net em casa, but soon i'll do and we'll have so much fun!!! (er.)

  2. ahah sim nunca mais escrevo em inglês. Fico muito "preso" ao vocabulário!
    Ainda nao tens? Olha, eu tb não e estou a roubar do vizinho! Oraite!
    Arranja skype quando tiveres net!

  3. que inglês tão perfeito! só um pequeno reparo, basta dizer que foste à Pia's,que já subentende a casa dela. bjs meu querido!

  4. Thanks mom. Isso já é ser picuinhas!lol Mas vou me lembrar para a proxima! beijo
