segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2011

E a Terra continua a rodar.

Olá, o meu nome é Martim. Há já algum tempo que não updato o blog hã? Quer dizer, mais ou menos. Quando chega o fim de semana torna-se sempre mais complicado updatar porque, ou não estou em casa, colado ao computador, ou estou a trabalhar no meu projecto. Pois bem, essas duas coisas aconteceram e aconteceram bem!

O Richard, o pequeno rato, apareceu na sexta feira cá em casa! Foi bom reve-lo e a surpresa foi quase agradável. Estava eu a fazer umas torradas de uma maneira casual, quando, pelo canto do olho, vejo uma pequena mancha a correr para o meio dos sacos. "Ah." gritei eu qual menina de 3 anos. Corri escadas abaixo, avisei as pessoas que estavam cá em casa, fomos alguns para a cozinha, deitámos o caixote de lixo no chão e pusemo-nos atrás dele. Era um jogo de gato e rato, ou melhor, de pessoa e rato (FAIL). Esperámos 2 dias atrás daquele caixote e como o rato não dava sinais de vida, fui com uma vassoura espantar o animal. Claro que ele já não estava lá. "Demasiado esperto para as vossas mentes humanas" pensou Richard esfregando as patas (problemas de pele). Fomos dormir. Dormia eu como um anjo, quando sou ligeiramente acordado por um grito cortante no meio da noite. Richard tinha entrado no quarto de Maria, olhado para ela e, da mesma maneira que entrou, fugiu dali para fora rapidamente. Foi.Lindo.

Anyway, I was asked to write this post in english so lets fly to the english land. These days I've been working for my project and studying for my essay. The videos I made with my class didn't turn out really well, because the light was bad, so I want to film Maria, Tomás, Joana e João *Maria is talking non stop by my side so I can't focus on this!*. I have to hand in the project and essay on the 21st so I have to hurry..
Update!!: Just filmed them on the living room. They were nervous but I forced them to do it.

The weather has been really nice (not yesterday) so saturday me and Joana went to Portobello Market. Yes, lets go take the bus and be there in 30minutes. Next scene: it took us 2 hours to get there. There was no tube to notting hill so we had to take the bus that was slow as hell. Ok, seen the market, smiled to the people, took some photos, tried to find cheap clothes, didn't find them, lets go home. Again, it took us forever to get to our nest and when I got there I had to return back to Baker Street.

João and his mother had invited me to go to Madame Tussauds museum with more friends. The last time I went there I was 13 so I didn't really remember it, but from the pictures I have from it, it seems that the place was remodeled or something. Anyway, there was a lot of famous people there!! Yeah, I didn't understand what the museum was for but that place seemed like the Oscars Red Carpet! Packed with juicy celebrities. I met my friend Nicole Kidman but she was a bit too quiet so I went away. Thanks for the great time!

My dear mother and sister, thank you for the shirt! I wore it on the party we hold for Maria's birthday. People went crazy over it and I had to calm them down with some lullabies.
Some friends came to our place and it was really fun and all but I'm still waiting for a "get together" in another house! So, if someone is reading this please invite the portuguese group to your party next time. We are really fun and a bit nice, I promise. Back to the party, we sang Parabéns to Maria, ate some cake and there were even animal Masks because Faabio (italian friend) needed to shoot a videoclip for a band. One thing that really annoyed me was that there was some people that ate all my food I had for today. I mean, go buy a bagel or something, don't eat random food from the fridge.

On sunday, the most interesting thing I did was going out to dinner with João's "family". We went to Pizza East in Shoreditch. The place is amazing and the service is really good so I suggest you (YES, YOU) to go. I'm still full from all the food I ate. I admit I felt a bit pregnant after it(which was weird).

Obrigado pelo óptimo jantar e companhia! Terão sempre um lugar quente neste coração de gelo que é o meu.

Off to work bye!

2 comentários:

  1. querido martim, afinal parece que preferia ir aí num fim de semana de junho para ter mais hipoteses de voos e mais baratos. depois falamos mas quanto mais cedo melhor (hoje no skype?)
    Ps: get rid of Richard or get a cat!!!

  2. Ahah;)

    Sim, venham quando estiver mais barato e com um tempo melhor! Falamos hohe então.
    Beijinhos mamãe
